Unichain Docs

Using USDC on Unichain

Learn how to set up and transfer USDC on Unichain

Quickstart: Set up and transfer USDC on Unichain

This guide walks you through the process of creating a dApp for transferring USDC on the Unichain Network.

What is USDC?

For businesses, developers, and consumers, USDC is a digital dollar created by Circle that unlocks global, secure, and frictionless access to a stable store of value, including instant, low-cost payments, and 24/7 capital markets.

📘 USDC is backed 100% by highly liquid cash and cash-equivalent assets, so it's always redeemable 1:1 for USD. Circle

GitHub Repository

You can find the complete source code for the sample application in the GitHub repository



Before you begin:

  • Create a Uniswap Wallet
  • Have ETH and USDC on Unichain testnet
  • Use the USDC Faucet
    if needed
  • Use the USDC testnet token contract on Unichain Sepolia: 0x31d0220469e10c4E71834a79b1f276d740d3768F

Part 1. Project Setup

Perform the steps below to set up the project files for your application:

  1. Create new Next.js project
npx create-next-app@latest transfer-usdc-app --typescript -- tailwind --eslint
  1. Install dependencies
npm install viem @radix-ui/react-slot @radix-ui/react-tabs lucide-react
  1. Create directory structure

Part 2. Create Source Code

Perform the steps below to create the source code for your application:

  1. Define Contract Constants

    Create contracts.ts and copy the code below:

// The address of the USDC token contract on the Unichain Sepolia network
export const USDC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x31d0220469e10c4E71834a79b1f276d740d3768F';
// The ABI (Application Binary Interface) for the USDC token contract
export const USDC_ABI = [
    // Function to transfer USDC tokens from the caller's address to a specified address
    constant: false,
    inputs: [
      { name: '_to', type: 'address' },
      { name: '_value', type: 'uint256' },
    name: 'transfer',
    outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bool' }],
    type: 'function',
    // Function to get the balance of USDC tokens for a specific address
    constant: true,
    inputs: [{ name: '_owner', type: 'address' }],
    name: 'balanceOf',
    outputs: [{ name: 'balance', type: 'uint256' }],
    type: 'function',
  1. Create Wallet Hook

Create useWallet.ts and copy the code below:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import {
} from 'viem';
import { unichainSepolia } from 'viem/chains';
import type { Address, Hash, TransactionReceipt } from 'viem';
import { USDC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, USDC_ABI } from '../constants/contracts';
// Create a public client to interact with the blockchain
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: unichainSepolia,
  transport: http()
// Create a wallet client to interact with the user's wallet
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
  chain: unichainSepolia,
  transport: custom(window.ethereum ?? {})
// Custom hook to manage wallet interactions
export function useWallet() {
  const [account, setAccount] = useState<Address>();
  const [hash, setHash] = useState<Hash>();
  const [receipt, setReceipt] = useState<TransactionReceipt>();
  const [balance, setBalance] = useState<string>();
  // Effect to wait for the transaction receipt when a hash is available
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      if (hash) {
        const receipt = await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({ hash });
  }, [hash]);
  // Effect to fetch the balance after the transaction receipt is available
  useEffect(() => {
    if (account && receipt) {
  }, [receipt]);
  // Function to connect to the user's wallet
  const connect = async () => {
    const [address] = await walletClient.requestAddresses();
    await fetchBalance(address);
  // Function to fetch the USDC balance for a given address
  const fetchBalance = async (address: Address) => {
    const balance = await publicClient.readContract({
      abi: USDC_ABI,
      functionName: 'balanceOf',
      args: [address],
    // Format the balance from the smallest unit (wei) to a human-readable format
    const formattedBalance = (Number(balance) / 10 ** 6).toFixed(2);
  // Function to send a USDC transaction to a specified address
  const sendTransaction = async (to: Address, value: string) => {
    if (!account) return;
    // Convert the value from USDC to the smallest unit (wei)
    const valueInWei = BigInt(parseFloat(value) * 10 ** 6);
    // Encode the function call data for the transfer function
    const data = encodeFunctionData({
      abi: USDC_ABI,
      functionName: 'transfer',
      args: [to, valueInWei],
    // Send the transaction using the wallet client
    const hash = await walletClient.sendTransaction({
  // Return the wallet state and functions for use in components
  return {
  1. Create Wallet Interface Component

Create WalletInterface.tsx and copy the code below:

'use client'
import { useRef } from "react"
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card"
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input"
import { Tabs, TabsContent } from "@/components/ui/tabs"
import { Wallet } from "lucide-react"
import { useWallet } from "../hooks/useWallet"
import type { Address } from 'viem'
const bigIntReplacer = (_key: string, value: any) => {
  if (typeof value === 'bigint') {
    return value.toString();
  return value;
export default function WalletInterface() {
  const { account, balance, receipt, connect, sendTransaction } = useWallet();
  const addressInput = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
  const valueInput = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null)
  const handleSendTransaction = () => {
    if (!addressInput.current || !valueInput.current) return;
      addressInput.current.value as Address,
  return (
    <div className="min-h-screen bg-black p-4">
      <div className="max-w-md mx-auto space-y-4">
        <div className="bg-[#1c1c1c] text-green-500 p-2 rounded-lg text-sm flex items-center gap-2">
          <Wallet className="h-4 w-4" />
          You are in testnet mode
        <Card className="border-0 bg-[#1c1c1c] text-white">
            <CardTitle className="flex items-center justify-between">
              <div className="flex items-center gap-2">
                <div className="bg-[#2a2a2a] p-2 rounded-lg">
                  <Wallet className="h-6 w-6" />
                {account ? (
                    <div className="font-bold">Wallet 1</div>
                    <div className="text-sm text-gray-400">
                      {`${account.slice(0, 6)}...${account.slice(-4)}`}
                ) : (
                  <div>Connect Wallet</div>
            {!account ? (
                className="w-full bg-purple-700 hover:bg-purple-600 text-white"
                Connect Wallet
            ) : (
              <div className="space-y-6">
                <div className="flex items-center">
                  <div className="text-4xl font-bold">${balance || '0.00'}</div>
                  <img src="/usdc.png" alt="USDC Logo" className="ml-2 w-8 h-8" />
                <Tabs defaultValue="send" className="w-full">
                  <TabsContent value="send" className="space-y-4">
                    <div className="space-y-2">
                        placeholder="Send to address"
                        className="bg-[#2a2a2a] border-0 text-white placeholder:text-gray-500"
                        placeholder="USDC Amount"
                        className="bg-[#2a2a2a] border-0 text-white placeholder:text-gray-500"
                        className="w-full bg-purple-700 hover:bg-purple-600"
                    {receipt && (
                      <div className="mt-4 p-4 bg-[#2a2a2a] rounded-lg">
                        <div className="text-sm text-gray-400">Transaction Receipt:</div>
                        <pre className="text-xs overflow-auto">
                          {JSON.stringify(receipt, bigIntReplacer, 2)}
        <div className="flex justify-center items-center space-x-4 text-white text-sm mt-4">
        <a href="https://developers.circle.com/stablecoins/what-is-usdc" className="hover:text-purple-400 transition-colors">What is USDC</a>
        <a href="https://developers.circle.com/w3s/circle-programmable-wallets-an-overview" className="hover:text-purple-400 transition-colors">Developer Tools</a>
        <a href="https://www.circle.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="hover:text-purple-400 transition-colors">Go to Circle.com</a>
  1. Update Main Page

Update app/page.tsx with the code below:

import WalletInterface from './features/wallet/components/WalletInterface'
import Image from 'next/image'
export default function Home() {
  return (
      <WalletInterface />
  1. Add TypeScript Declaration

    Create types/global.d.ts and copy the code below:

declare global {
    interface Window {
      ethereum?: any;
  export {}

Part 3. Usage

Perform the steps below to use your application.

  1. Start development server
npm run dev
  1. Connect wallet
  • Click “Connect Wallet”
  • Approve Uniswap Wallet connection
  1. Send USDC
  • Enter recipient address
  • Enter USDC amount
  • Click “Send”
  • Approve transaction in Uniswap Wallet


In this guide you learned how to create a dApp for transferring USDC on the Unichain network. For more information, refer to the Circle Developer Documentation

. Happy coding!

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