This guide walks you through the process of creating a dApp for transferring USDC on the Unichain Network.
For businesses, developers, and consumers, USDC is a digital dollar created by Circle that unlocks global, secure, and frictionless access to a stable store of value, including instant, low-cost payments, and 24/7 capital markets.
📘 USDC is backed 100% by highly liquid cash and cash-equivalent assets, so it's always redeemable 1:1 for USD. Circle
You can find the complete source code for the sample application in the GitHub repository
Before you begin:
Create a Uniswap Wallet
Have ETH and USDC on Unichain testnet
Use the USDC Faucet
if needed
Use the USDC testnet token contract on Unichain Sepolia: 0x31d0220469e10c4E71834a79b1f276d740d3768F
Perform the steps below to set up the project files for your application:
Create new Next.js
npx create-next-app@latest transfer-usdc-app --typescript -- tailwind --eslint
Install dependencies
npm install viem @radix-ui/react-slot @radix-ui/react-tabs lucide-react
Create directory structure
Perform the steps below to create the source code for your application:
Define Contract Constants
Create contracts.ts
and copy the code below:
// The address of the USDC token contract on the Unichain Sepolia network
export const USDC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x31d0220469e10c4E71834a79b1f276d740d3768F' ;
// The ABI (Application Binary Interface) for the USDC token contract
export const USDC_ABI = [
// Function to transfer USDC tokens from the caller's address to a specified address
constant: false ,
inputs: [
{ name: '_to' , type: 'address' },
{ name: '_value' , type: 'uint256' },
name: 'transfer' ,
outputs: [{ name: '' , type: 'bool' }],
type: 'function' ,
// Function to get the balance of USDC tokens for a specific address
constant: true ,
inputs: [{ name: '_owner' , type: 'address' }],
name: 'balanceOf' ,
outputs: [{ name: 'balance' , type: 'uint256' }],
type: 'function' ,
Create Wallet Hook
Create useWallet.ts
and copy the code below:
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' ;
import {
} from 'viem' ;
import { unichainSepolia } from 'viem/chains' ;
import type { Address, Hash, TransactionReceipt } from 'viem' ;
import { USDC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, USDC_ABI } from '../constants/contracts' ;
// Create a public client to interact with the blockchain
const publicClient = createPublicClient ({
chain: unichainSepolia,
transport: http ()
// Create a wallet client to interact with the user's wallet
const walletClient = createWalletClient ({
chain: unichainSepolia,
transport: custom (window.ethereum ?? {})
// Custom hook to manage wallet interactions
export function useWallet () {
const [ account , setAccount ] = useState < Address >();
const [ hash , setHash ] = useState < Hash >();
const [ receipt , setReceipt ] = useState < TransactionReceipt >();
const [ balance , setBalance ] = useState < string >();
// Effect to wait for the transaction receipt when a hash is available
useEffect (() => {
( async () => {
if (hash) {
const receipt = await publicClient. waitForTransactionReceipt ({ hash });
setReceipt (receipt);
}, [hash]);
// Effect to fetch the balance after the transaction receipt is available
useEffect (() => {
if (account && receipt) {
fetchBalance (account);
}, [receipt]);
// Function to connect to the user's wallet
const connect = async () => {
const [ address ] = await walletClient. requestAddresses ();
setAccount (address);
await fetchBalance (address);
// Function to fetch the USDC balance for a given address
const fetchBalance = async ( address : Address ) => {
const balance = await publicClient. readContract ({
abi: USDC_ABI ,
functionName: 'balanceOf' ,
args: [address],
// Format the balance from the smallest unit (wei) to a human-readable format
const formattedBalance = ( Number (balance) / 10 ** 6 ). toFixed ( 2 );
setBalance (formattedBalance);
// Function to send a USDC transaction to a specified address
const sendTransaction = async ( to : Address , value : string ) => {
if ( ! account) return ;
// Convert the value from USDC to the smallest unit (wei)
const valueInWei = BigInt ( parseFloat (value) * 10 ** 6 );
// Encode the function call data for the transfer function
const data = encodeFunctionData ({
abi: USDC_ABI ,
functionName: 'transfer' ,
args: [to, valueInWei],
// Send the transaction using the wallet client
const hash = await walletClient. sendTransaction ({
setHash (hash);
// Return the wallet state and functions for use in components
return {
Create Wallet Interface Component
Create WalletInterface.tsx
and copy the code below:
'use client'
import { useRef } from "react"
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card"
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input"
import { Tabs, TabsContent } from "@/components/ui/tabs"
import { Wallet } from "lucide-react"
import { useWallet } from "../hooks/useWallet"
import type { Address } from 'viem'
const bigIntReplacer = ( _key : string , value : any ) => {
if ( typeof value === 'bigint' ) {
return value. toString ();
return value;
export default function WalletInterface () {
const { account , balance , receipt , connect , sendTransaction } = useWallet ();
const addressInput = useRef < HTMLInputElement >( null )
const valueInput = useRef < HTMLInputElement >( null )
const handleSendTransaction = () => {
if ( ! addressInput.current || ! valueInput.current) return ;
sendTransaction (
addressInput.current.value as Address ,
return (
< div className = "min-h-screen bg-black p-4" >
< div className = "max-w-md mx-auto space-y-4" >
< div className = "bg-[#1c1c1c] text-green-500 p-2 rounded-lg text-sm flex items-center gap-2" >
< Wallet className = "h-4 w-4" />
You are in testnet mode
</ div >
< Card className = "border-0 bg-[#1c1c1c] text-white" >
< CardHeader >
< CardTitle className = "flex items-center justify-between" >
< div className = "flex items-center gap-2" >
< div className = "bg-[#2a2a2a] p-2 rounded-lg" >
< Wallet className = "h-6 w-6" />
</ div >
{account ? (
< div >
< div className = "font-bold" >Wallet 1</ div >
< div className = "text-sm text-gray-400" >
{ `${ account . slice ( 0 , 6 ) }...${ account . slice ( - 4 ) }` }
</ div >
</ div >
) : (
< div >Connect Wallet</ div >
</ div >
</ CardTitle >
</ CardHeader >
< CardContent >
{ ! account ? (
< Button
onClick = {connect}
className = "w-full bg-purple-700 hover:bg-purple-600 text-white"
Connect Wallet
</ Button >
) : (
< div className = "space-y-6" >
< div className = "flex items-center" >
< div className = "text-4xl font-bold" > ${ balance || '0.00' } </ div >
< img src = "/usdc.png" alt = "USDC Logo" className = "ml-2 w-8 h-8" />
</ div >
< Tabs defaultValue = "send" className = "w-full" >
< TabsContent value = "send" className = "space-y-4" >
< div className = "space-y-2" >
< Input
ref = {addressInput}
placeholder = "Send to address"
className = "bg-[#2a2a2a] border-0 text-white placeholder:text-gray-500"
< Input
ref = {valueInput}
placeholder = "USDC Amount"
type = "number"
className = "bg-[#2a2a2a] border-0 text-white placeholder:text-gray-500"
< Button
onClick = {handleSendTransaction}
className = "w-full bg-purple-700 hover:bg-purple-600"
</ Button >
</ div >
{receipt && (
< div className = "mt-4 p-4 bg-[#2a2a2a] rounded-lg" >
< div className = "text-sm text-gray-400" >Transaction Receipt:</ div >
< pre className = "text-xs overflow-auto" >
{ JSON . stringify (receipt, bigIntReplacer, 2 )}
</ pre >
</ div >
</ TabsContent >
</ Tabs >
</ div >
</ CardContent >
</ Card >
< div className = "flex justify-center items-center space-x-4 text-white text-sm mt-4" >
< a href = "" className = "hover:text-purple-400 transition-colors" >What is USDC</ a >
< a href = "" className = "hover:text-purple-400 transition-colors" >Developer Tools</ a >
< a href = "" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" className = "hover:text-purple-400 transition-colors" >Go to</ a >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
Update Main Page
Update app/page.tsx
with the code below:
import WalletInterface from './features/wallet/components/WalletInterface'
import Image from 'next/image'
export default function Home () {
return (
< main >
< WalletInterface />
</ main >
Add TypeScript Declaration
Create types/global.d.ts
and copy the code below:
declare global {
interface Window {
ethereum ?: any ;
export {}
Perform the steps below to use your application.
Start development server
Connect wallet
Click “Connect Wallet”
Approve Uniswap Wallet connection
Enter recipient address
Enter USDC amount
Click “Send”
Approve transaction in Uniswap Wallet
In this guide you learned how to create a dApp for transferring USDC on the Unichain network. For more information, refer to the Circle Developer Documentation
. Happy coding!